This app can be used by a multiple of children or students at a year 3 level on the same iPad, because each user has their own account which keeps track of their individual achievements and the progress they have made. Students can earn badges as they progress through the app.
There is a training section which covers the Maths topics of Number, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Shapes and Patterns, Money and Data and Measurement. There are 81 question sets that support the training and a scratch board to assist with working problem out and a dictionary to assist with terms.
There is a multiplayer game where up to 4 players can play against each other in a game of speed and skill.
The timed section is there to help students become more efficient at recalling their number facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Students earn tokens that can be used to play one of two games, Exploding Mice or Robo-Juggle.