Book School Interviews Online

School Interviews is a fantastic online tool to remove the hassle and administrative nightmare from your next Parent Teacher Interviews. Organising an interview booking system is a relatively simple process. First you need to setup your timetable by going to the ‘Event Settings’ (pictured below).
Then teachers can log in and block out the times they don’t want made available (pictured below). For example a teacher may want to set a tea break.
Then the booking system can go live at your chosen time. The event is given a code and then all you need to do is publicise the code and website link for parents to make their booking. For the parents it is a simple three step process outlined below.
You can have a go at booking an interview time by using the above code and following the above instructions, as this is a demo that they use on their site. The school that I work for used ‘School Interviews’ for the first time last year with great success. It proved very convenient for parents. It gives all parents equal access, including those parents that find it difficult to come in to school and make a booking due to work commitments. For those parents that don’t have internet access they had the option of using a booking kiosk setup at school or phoning our front office to make a booking. ‘School Interviews’ provides users with ‘How to..’ flyers for administrators, teachers and parents. I have found the support when needed to be very helpful.
This is not a free service, but you can sign up and test it out free for seven days. Primary Schools are charged a flat fee of $195 dollars per year and with that you can setup as many booking events as you like. You could apply this process to other things other than Parent Teacher Interviews, such as volunteering for a school fair.
Download a Parent Flyer below that will give you an idea of the process and options available to parents.
Download: Parent Interview Flyer for Parents School Interviews Online