Microsoft To-Do is now available to Office 365 Education
Looking for a way to organise yourself or your students in 2018? To-Do might be your solution.

Office 365 Education accounts now have Microsoft To-Do enabled by default. This means you can now use your school account to login and use To-Do. This is a very simple and uncomplicated To-Do list app. It is free to use and available via the web, in the Microsoft store as an app, on android devices and all ios devices as well. This is important as the To-Do list will sync between all of these devices keeping your To-Do list up to date no matter which device you are using.
The App is separated into three different areas. The first is “My Day”, where you start out with nothing and you add things or plan your day according to what you want to achieve that day. Each day it starts a fresh ready for you to add items to your day. You don’t need to re-enter items you already have entered. By clicking on the light bulb in the top right hand corner as pictured below it will bring up incomplete tasks from the day before that you can add to your day.
The second section is your general To-Do list and the third is the ability to categorise your lists. You can even add emoji to your lists.
You also have the option of setting a due date specifically or setting a reminder. You can even set it to repeat. There is an option to add notes as well to your To-Do item.
This is not just a great way to organise things for teachers, but it would be a great tool for students as well. Especially when it comes to time management and planning what they want to achieve each day. I will certainly be introducing this app to my students this year. I’ll let you know how I get on.
Website: Microsoft To-Do